[법률영어]_법률영어 단어정리 (lagal english)
법률영어 단어정리 (개인 저장용)
01. breach : 계약위반사항, 불이행상태
02. opinion of counsel : 의견서
03. i.e. : 다시말해
04. cf. : confer = compare to
05. e.g. : for example
06. constructive knowledge : 추정되는 지식
07. imputed knowledge : 충분히 알 수 있었던 지식
08. commercially resonable : 상거래상으로 합리적인
09. ongoing conditions : 계약에 영향을 미치지 않는 조건
10. risk allocation : 위험부담
01. when a person refuses an offer, what is this know as? / rejection
02. a model commercial rule created by a group of scholars and has been adopted by statues usually through legislation. / UCC (uniform commercial code)
03. a court decision in a civil case that tells the parties what their rights and responsibilities are, without awarding damages or ordering them to do anything / declaratory judgment (확인판결)
04. One party makes a clear, unequivocal statement to the effect that he will not perform his contractual obligations. / repudiation (anticipatory breach) : 지급거절 / * unequivocal (명백한)
05. where the parties have entered into an agreement that has been reduced to writing with the intent being to make that writing a final and complete expression of their contract, no evidence of prior or contemporaneous agreement can be introduced to change the terms of that writing.
/ (구두증거 배제의 법칙) parol evidence rule
06. a remedy in a civil case requiring a party to do what was promised
/ (특정이행, 약속한 대로 줄 것) : specific performance
07. to find that the trial court's decision is incorrect and cannot stand. / reverse
08. to send the case back to the trial court / remand (환송)
09. to find that a court's holding in a different case was incorrect and is no longer good law
/ overrule
10. to overthrow; to annul; to make void or declare invalid / quash (무효화하다)
11. a court's written decision / case
12. Judge-created law, the law based on English traditions / common law
13. a legal decision serving as an authoritative rule or pattern in future similar cases
/ (선례) precedent
14. statues of a particular jurisdiction arranged by subject / codes
15. a set of facts sufficient to justify a right to sue to obtain money, property, or the enforcement of a night against another party / (소송을 가능하게 하는 사실관계/소송이유) cause of action
16. power of a court to adjudicate cases and issue orders / (관할권) jurisdiction
* adjudicate : 판결을 내리다.
17. Latin for stand by things decided / a legal principle by which a judge in one court must follow decisions of judges on courts to which his decision could be appealed
/ (선례구속의 원칙) stare decisis
18. a false statement of fact made by one party to another party, which has the effect of inducing that party into the contract / (허위진술) misrepresentation
19. a means by which a violation of a right is redressed / remedy *redress(시정하다)
20. monetary compensation that is awarded by a court in a civil action
/ (금전적 손해배상) damages
21. a remedy in a civil case requiring a party to act or refrain from acting
/ injunction, injunctive relief